Hi, this is my Blog, about how i compile NT 4.0 Source code (OpenNT), XP Source code, and many stuff from MicroSoft.
OpenNT is forgotten project about leaked NT 4.0 Source code, project started in 2015-2016, and contains some fixes in code, new compilers, and improved sazzle (razzle).
OpenNT was closed in 2018, and the reason is because it wasn't maintained and it was already reaching the point that there would be a large risk of DMCA from MicroSoft.
Why i working at dead project? Because for fun!
I interested in NT Source code, for looking at internal utility that used in NT 4.0 (such as 'filever' or internal tweaker, or program to create a ISO from compiled binaries), for funny comments from developers in code, and more.
I will not spread the OpenNT source code here (any links), but, i can show some images from my research.
FINALLY, i got that torrent file from [CENSORED], that takes me a 2 hours to find that, and, here is it, a PATH UPDATE, for XP Source code.
Now, i can fully compile a XP Source code, and try to make a ISO (not for public)
I'm so happy right now.
See you in a next post, bye!
If you want to contact me, just join my discord server, and ping a guy with nick NTKRNLMP (that me) with your message.